This website has a single function, and that is to provide a near real time archive of press articles related to Donald Trump and his second term as president. We believe it is important to understand what the rest of the world sees happening in the USA. We have made an effort to include only “real” news and avoid all the conspiracy and fake news publishers. If we have overlooked a good source or included a bad one, please let us know. And please understand that the “us” is just one old guy with a world of other things that must be done. And note there is no money involved here. I have an IT background and still have access to servers. No adverts, no grants, just trying to ensure that there is a record.
The Offshore News feeds are: BBC, Economist, Aljazeerra, Euronews, and The Guardian.
The Domestic News Feeds are: Politico, CBS News, Dow Jones, Pew Research, Washington Post, and NY Times (and yes, we are a bit skeptical about the Washington Post, and Dow Jones).
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